Looking for a new school? Registration is now open for grades K-8!


Health & Wellness

A Healthy Bruin is a Happy Bruin!

At St. Teresa of Avila, we prioritize the holistic well-being of our students—mind, body, and heart. We understand that a healthy education is one that nurtures not only their academic growth but also their mental, physical, and emotional health. We’re committed to providing the support and care they need to flourish academically and personally through our school nurse, school counselor, Youth Minister, and our caring faculty and staff.



All medical forms are easily accessible here. Forms & Documents

Please be sure to update the school when any changes in medication or treatment take place.

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With so much swirling around us today we know your children have questions and need the support of adults.  Here are a few articles to help you gain greater insight in how you can help.

How Adults Can Support the Mental Health of Black Children

Anti-Racist Resources

Healthy Kids Health Links

You are in a unique role to help prevent childhood obesity. Children spend many hours in early care and education programs, as well as family child care. Help kids build good habits by ensuring a healthy environment for children to learn.  Healthy Kids, Healthy Future encourages you to meet these goals.  Click here to learn more:

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future

Henry the Hand

Lead Free Home

Lifesaving CPR | Choking

CPR Guidelines

More information coming soon!

6th Grade parents:  It is time to schedule the Td/MCV-4 vaccination for your student! The Td vaccination is to prevent whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria. MCV-4 is for preventing meningococcal disease. These are to be obtained before entering 7th grade. Please send me the updated shot record once the vaccinations have been received. Thank you!

Screenings: If you have received a referral for vision and hearing screenings, please get an appointment scheduled at your family’s doctor to ensure a proper, thorough assessment of your child’s hearing or vision for the most effective academic outcomes.

Mental Health Awareness: Please take a moment to read this article and visit our Mental Health  Tab above: Talking to Children About Their Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness: As you know, the past year has been more than stressful on our and our children’s mental health, it has been traumatic. Having to quarantine, missing athletics and games, limited contact with friends and family – these, in and of themselves, are enough to create a shift in mentality and emotions. I have been doubling down in checking on the students while they are here at school, but if you sense this shift in your child(ren) and need resources, please let me know. Below are a few resources I could find for this letter, yet there are so many more out there. Nothing is too big or too small to mention, we are here for your family.


Talking to children about their mental health

Should you have any health-related questions or concerns please call (513) 471-4530 x119 

Henry the Hand

Keeping schools and children healthy by teaching the 4 Principles of Hand Awareness!

A non-profit located in Cincinnati, Henry the Hand offers Infection Prevention Tool Kits for early childhood centers, pre-schools and schools that help teachers and school nurses educate young children and students to the benefits of handwashing (hand hygiene), respiratory etiquette (safe coughing and sneezing habits), and not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth (T Zone).  They also have resources for families.  Visit their website to learn more.  Henry the Hand

Spread the Word, Not the Germs!

We are EQUAL

We can work to make a difference right where we are.  Mr. Rogers’ & Officer Clemmons’ example on how to treat each other, speak to each other, love each other, and most importantly respect each other is an easy one to follow. In an episode first aired in 1969, Fred Rogers and Officer Clemmons washed each other’s feet. Love was the theme of the episode; a powerful message that was sent to millions across the world and one which we want to perpetuate.  This is the message that we teach and live by at St. Teresa of Avila.  ALL are WELCOME, ALL are LOVED.

The injustice and mistreatment of people in our country and across the world must stop. We can all work together to educate people and continue the fight against racism and injustice. There are many ways to say “I love you” to our neighbor – this is just one.

For more of Mr. Roger’s wisdom on how to treat each other and ourselves with more dignity, respect, care, and compassion we share this article: Seven Lessons From Mr. Rogers That Can Help Americans Be Neighbors Again

Image: Officer Clemmons and Mister Rogers, reprising their 1969 foot bath more than two decades later, during their final scene together in 1993. (c) The Fred Rogers Company.